So at last my house move has begun to seem like a distant nightmare and I am happily – very happily – settled in somewhere that is now feeling very much like Home. And now that the decorators have finally departed leaving a splendidly refreshed and bright interior – I was beginning to feel as...
Category: Uncategorized
CHRISTMAS Cliches – and all that!
Christmas literary references are a bit like Christmas itself. The sources of Bah! Humbug! and Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents come swiftly to mind – but trying to be more original is hard. There’s C.S.Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, with the sad cry from poor Mr. Tumnus that: It is...
2023 …Here we go!
Already, we are edging our way into the third week of the month – the third week of the year – and normality has reinstated itself after the hiatus of Christmas. The tree is long discarded, the decorations put away and even the fridge is beginning to show signs of slimming itself down from its...
HOME is where the HEART is …
Houses are built of brick, wood, stone, snow – and no doubt numerous other materials. Homes are a far more complex matter and say a great deal more about us than the raw ingredients of the actual structure. Pictures on the wall. Photographs on a table. Books on the shelves. The colour of a lampshade,...
Just think of it. Our grandparents – if you are of a certain age – lived through the reigns of five or six monarchs. My grandparents were born during the last decade or so of Queen Victoria’s life so would have gone on to witness a couple of Edwards (ok, one of them rather briefly...
That Was The Year …
January might be, strictly speaking, in the accepted way of things, the first month of the new year with December the last of the old. But to me that is entirely inaccurate. September is the month that starts the whole ball rolling again just as June completes it. Which leaves July and August as delightfully...
Introducing Polly Dodd …
One of the best things about writing novels is giving birth to numerous characters. These protagonists become surprisingly real over the course of developing and writing the story and there are times when the desire to meet them all in the flesh, invite them round for a cup of coffee or spot of supper becomes...
The past month has seen my book buying habit go into overdrive. But then the number of hours I’ve spent reading each day has increased stratospherically – and since shops have been no-go areas to me since I foolishly mistook my step on the Old Brompton Road en route to the tube and permitted my...
Who Wrote What and Why?
As a member of all sorts of Facebook fiction reader and writer groups, I daily read comments, reviews, conversation and just general chatter about books. Lately, with more enforced time to scan through these as a result of a fractured shoulder and, counting my luck that it’s my left arm held firmly, rigidly, in a...
Bookish Joys
Learning to read is one of those rites of passage that, unless it’s a particular struggle, goes unnoticed. And as someone who has never quite mastered numbers in any form, doing her lifelong, level best to avoid their challenge I sympathize hugely if words cause the same barrier as numbers provoke for me. But if...